Going Solar
Creative Thoughts on Climate Change
***Art as a powerful tool for inspiring changes in our behaviors towards nature.
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It might help me buy a new brush once in a year.
Art about the Solar Power
I’ve always been a fan of turtles. The carapace is a really great space for being artsy and creative with colors and nuances. There is also something really cool about their slowness. An invitation to also be a slow explorer of your brushes, colors, inks, pencils. Build your artwork slowly, methodically, leisurely.
But more than that, I think that nowadays, when animals’ habitats are disappearing and being replaced with mining, factories, pollution, residential areas, we need to start rethinking our impact on the planet.
I truly believe that art has that transformative power, to awake our sensibilities and empathy towards other creatures and the balance of the ecosystems around us.
In this painting, I used the antithesis of the polluting factory chimneys silhouettes and the regenerative solar disc symbol. Down on earth (or underneath a blanket of smog) – lie the petrol teal and blue melting magmas of extraction sites, whereas up in the sky there is a never-ending source of renewable energy that we can all benefit from.
The turtle is my symbolic animal that indicates the direction we all need to go, fetching away from the murky waters of pollution, into the light of clean resources and energy.
Turtles are such delicate creatures, despite their rough shell. Many times a barometer of their environment, for me they’ve become a symbol I use in my art to inspire climate action.
Find more climate change inspiring paintings and illustrations from my studio, look HERE.